
Daisy (Bellis perennis) is a common flowering plant that is recognizable for its white petals and yellow center. Here is some information about daisies:

Names: Daisy

Flavour: Daisies are not typically consumed for their flavor, as they are primarily used for ornamental purposes. However, some people add the petals to salads or use them as a garnish.

Growing season: Daisies typically bloom during the spring and summer seasons.

Native region: Daisies are native to Europe but can now be found in various regions around the world.

Traditional recipe: Daisies are not commonly used in traditional recipes due to their primarily decorative nature. However, some people infuse daisy flowers in tea or use them as a decorative element in cakes and pastries.

Health properties: Daisies are not widely recognized for specific health properties. However, they are often associated with a sense of cheerfulness and are sometimes used in herbal medicine for their potential calming and soothing effects.

Growing technique: Daisies are hardy plants that can adapt to different soil types. They prefer full sun or partial shade. To grow daisies, scatter the seeds in a prepared bed or directly in the ground in early spring. Ensure that the soil is well-drained and keep it moist during the initial stages of growth. Once established, daisies are relatively low-maintenance and can tolerate dry conditions.