Italian Name: Foeniculum vulgare
Flavour: Aniseed
Season: Fennel is available throughout the year, but is at its peak over the summer months.
Health Properties: Rich source of potassium, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium; reduces cancer; anti-inflammatory
Growing: Florence Fennel likes a sunny site and a lot of water. Direct sow fennel seeds in late May or June in rows 30cm apart or sow in April in modules and transplant at four-to-five leaf stage. Keep it moist and earth up when the bulb starts to swell. Fennel can also be grown in 25cm pots.
Crop History: Fennel’s history dates back to ancient times in the Mediterranean and it has long been know for its numerous medicinal properties. The bulbing fennel (Florence fennel) that is most popular in Europe today, was developed in the seventeenth century in Italy. The seeds are found in spice racks all over the world.